Adventist Church Bluecard & Adsafe Requirements


You have been directed to this page because you are either a Board member or have been invited to work directly with Children in your local Adventist church. Because you fit into one of these two groups it is mandatory that you have both:

1. A current Bluecard and
2. Have completed AdSafe Child Safe Training.

The purpose of this web page is to help you achieve both of these two requirements. Please read and follow the instructions below to help you achieve these two activities successfully.

1. Bluecard
Up until recently it was the task of the local churches' Bluecard Coordinator to arrange a Queensland Government Bluecard for you. Recent changes have required that each individual that requires a Bluecard arrange for their own through the Queensland Government Bluecard web portal. The step by step instructions below will show you how to access the portal through your web browser, and how to get started when you get there.

Step 1. In your web browser, access the bluecard applicant portal by typing the web address You will be presented with a screen as shown below:

This screen is used to verify who you are.

Field 1. Nominate the TMR (Transport & Main Roads) product you would like to use for validation. (I like to use drivers license .. its the easiest).

Field 2. Type in your Drivers License Number

Field 3. Type in your DOB.

Next, click the check box that states you have read and understand the privacy notice (you can read the privacy notice if you want to by clicking on "privacy notice").

Once you click on the privacy notice checkbox the "Login" button will be enabled. Click it when it is enabled to login in.

Step 2. The next screen you see will be the following:

Next, the system will send a validation code to the mobile number associated with the drivers license details entered in the previous screen. Read that number from your mobile phone and enter it into the field pointed to by the red arrow.

Then Click "Submit".

Step 3. All going well you should be then presented with the following screen:

Your name should now appear in the top right-hand corner as the logged-in user (red circle). You are now logged-in to the Queensland Government Bluecard web portal and can select your required function i.e. Add a new or update an existing Bluecard.

2. AdSafe Training
The second part of your requirements is AdSafe Training. This training is also done completely online and is accessible via and online web portal similar to the Bluecard process. Please see the following steps to complete your AdSafe training.

Step 1. Go to you web browser and type in the address to access the adsafe web portal. You should be presented with a page as follows:

Step 2. If you are not already a member, click on the "Sign Up" link (as in the red circle). When you get to the next screen, read what is on the screen. When you scroll to the bottom of this page you will see on the screen the following:

Fill in as much of the information as you can as accurately as you can so it reflects your position, roles and responsibilities within the church.

**IMPORTANT** Make sure you remember (write down!) the "User Name" and "Password" you select. You will need these to login next time.

See the next screen as an example of a completed form:

Step 3. Once you are satisfied that the form has been filled in as accurately as possible, click on the "Sign Up" button. You will then be redirected back to the "Sign In" screen with an added note on the bottom (as exampled in the next image):

Step 4. Goto your email box and you will have an email from AdSafe asking you to verify your email. Click on the link in the AdSafe email to verify your email address and you will then be referred back to the AdSafe signin screen.

Step 5. Now you can use the "User Name" and "Password" you created in Step 2 to login to your AdSafe account. When you have successfully logged in for the first time you will see the following screen:

You will notice the "Code of Conduct" and "Safer Churches Awareness Training" tiles. Each of these is a self paced training course that will take you through step by step what you need to know regarding child safety in the Adventist church. To complete both will take about 2-2 1/2 hours. (The Awareness training also has pop-up quizzes along the way).

When the training is completed the red 0% compliance ring in the top right hand corner will change to a green 100% compliance ring (as exampled below):

Once the compliance ring is 100% and the course tiles have disappeared you have completed your AdSafe training and are legally compliant with AdSafe to hold your position in the church.